unSCruz 2023

May 9, 2023

After much planning, Puzzle Place successfully came together for our first event at unSCruz 2023.

Puzzle Place at unSCruz

Our large scale puzzle Buried Treasure was a hit. It was challenging, but many visitors were up for the challenge and they were rewarded with a prize from the treasure chest at the end.

Puzzle Place at unSCruz

We shared the space with our friends at Word Play Cafe and provided a variety of games and puzzles to play all day for 3 days. We had over 200 visitors so we were quite busy. We gave out prizes for solving puzzles and winning games. We also held our first annual design competition.

We are excited to come back next year.

Collaboration with Word Play Cafe

Apr 29, 2023

Since Puzzle Place is about puzzles and board games and Word Play Cafe is about word games and word puzzles, collaborating made perfect sense. Neither Puzzle Place nor Word Play Cafe were at unSCruz last year in 2022, but some of our members (Emu and Squish) were which is where our collaboration began.

I visited Word Play Cafe at Burning Man 2022 to visit my friend Emu and because Word Play Cafe was the only puzzle themed camp I could find. I was hoping Word Play Cafe would come to unSCruz next as I hadn't seen any puzzle themed camps there. Sadly there were no such plans, so I took it upon myself to create a puzzle camp for unSCruz 2023. As I was applying for placement, I invited members of Word Play Cafe to camp with me. As more members joined, we decided to do a pop up Word Play Cafe at Puzzle Place. I am delighted that Puzzle Place has grown from a puzzle camp to a puzzle village. I hope more puzzle and board game camps join us in future years.

Puzzle Place Has a Logo

Apr 23, 2023

Maze in the shape of PP

As planning has been ramping up for our first event, the usefulness of having a logo has become more apparent. I spent a few days sketching out ideas. I wanted the logo to look like a puzzle. I decided the best puzzle to base the logo off of would be a maze because it could be solved just by looking at it, so the logo would be a functional puzzle, not just an image of one. It is a simple maze, but it reads well as "PP" as it draws your eyes all the way around each "P". You'll also know right away when you see it that we are all about puzzles even if you don't know what the Ps stand for.